The Wunderwelt series is based on a tourist book shows the world of the Alpes. I create special lightboxes inspired by the pictures of the travelling books, to express how a simple material can transform to an element of a beautiful landscape. I use masking tapes, foils, papers, and scratches to make these lightboxes. The initial notion of the series deals with the idea of admiration, raising the question: how is it possible to marvel at those things which are entirely natural? Can the wonder remain, while looking at the pages of a book, or on the walls of an exhibition space when the spectator knows that the visual structure is made of everyday materials? The phenomena of nature, the approximation of structures and their interpretation on a human level create a wonderland, a dreamland which is no other than the re-creation of ‘Wunder’: the command of beauty./Éda Meggyesházi/